CHANGE MS Wellness Foundation (MSWF) is a local nonprofit providing comradery, lifestyle and symptom management classes, college scholarships, money for research, and subsidizes holistic care with our wellness recipient program for anyone with MS.
What makes us different?
Change MSWF has monthly proactive, no-judgment support group open to anyone affected by MS on the 3rd Thursday of every month from 630-830pm. The first half hour offers a different guest speaker each meeting educating the group about lifestyle changes to compliment a symptom-free life. We have an array of topics; such as: sleep advice, essential oil use, fitness, nutrition, stress reduction, etc. We have a 100% volunteer board of directors; meaning the money is going to our cause and not to payroll.
Our goals for 2018-2019 are to raise additional money for research, provide more wellness grants to our support group, purchase a building large enough to hold our growing population, and pay 1-2 fulltime employees to help drive our efforts.
Change MS will be hosting the 4th annual Orange Affair: Taste of Summer Event Dos Amigos on Friday, July 27th from 6pm-11pm.
Tickets for the event are $60.00 and include a chance to win a door prize. There will be an open bar, DJ, basket raffles and food.
We can only achieve our goals with the assistance of generous donations from members of our community. Without these donations, serving those in our area would not be possible. Since our organization relies on the generosity of individuals like you, we kindly request for you to consider a donation to our cause.
Western New York has one of the highest Multiple Sclerosis rates in the world. We are seeking donations, gift certificates, sponsorships, and basket raffle items for the event.
We hope that you will help support our efforts,
Sincerely, Tony Ferro | Executive Director and Founder of Change MS| 716-400-9629
Sponsorship Levels
All sponsors will receive a receipt with our tax id promptly after securing payment Presenting Sponsor: $3000.00 (1 Presenting sponsorship available) ï‚· Exposure leading up to the event: Entercom radio, Social Media (Facebook, Instagram) ï‚· Digital media exposure for 1 year in Discover 716 ï‚· Premier vendor booth position ï‚· Premier signage at event ï‚· VIP premier location with table and bottle service. 4 bottles of liquor and mixers included plus unlimited wine and beer ï‚· Food and beverage included ï‚· 15 event tickets
Platinum: $1500.00 (4 Gold sponsorships available) ï‚· Exposure leading up to the event: Social Media (Facebook, Instagram) ï‚· Digital media exposure for 1 year in Discover 716 ï‚· Vendor booth position ï‚· Signage at event ï‚· VIP table and bottle service with 2 bottles of liquor and mixers included plus unlimited wine and beer ï‚· Food and beverage included ï‚· 10 event tickets
Gold: $500.00 (unlimited) ï‚· Exposure leading up to the event: Social Media (Facebook, Instagram) ï‚· Digital media exposure for 1 year in Discover 716 ï‚· Signage at event ï‚· Food and beverage included ï‚· 4 tickets included Silver:
$300.00 (unlimited) ï‚· Exposure leading up to the event: Social Media (Facebook, Instagram) ï‚· Digital media exposure for 1 year in Discover 716 ï‚· 2 tickets included
Complete this form to submit your sponsorship:
Individual Tickets Available here: